Lutterworth Medical Centre, Gilmorton Road, Lutterworth, LE17 4EB
Telephone: 01455 552346
We're open
If the doctor feels that you need to see a specialist then you will be offered a choice of where you want your treatment during your consultation. Our medical secretary will make an appointment on your behalf taking into account your wishes of where you would like to be referred. It is not usually possible to specify a particular consultant.
On occasion the booking clerk will ring you to advise of wait times or if the wait time for the chosen place of treatment is longer than estimated, offer you an alternative appointment.
If you want to book your own appointment then indicate this to the doctor at the time of consultation and the relevant paperwork will be sent out to you. Should you want to book your appointment online and not have access to a computer then ask the receptionist and she will make a terminal available for you to use.